Sep 24, 2020

Annual Labor Day Party year 15

Had a great 15th year labor day party. Bats greeted our arriveal along bentionite flat. Named the bird which stayed around the house Dream Catcher, who seemed to like the bird bath fountain that we set up. Also got the water guzzel fixed. Float valve had too much pressure on the line to close fully. I added a water bottel wired to to float and this gave it enough lift to close it off. Place a solar water pump in it as well to keep the wter freash. One day was some rain and some of the best rainbows I have seen. Full horizion to horizion double rainbows, two of them at the same time. We drove around the back roads enjoying all the views. Even picked up a few gallons of catchment at the property. Came across a small group of Audoud sheep along Saltgrass draw. Hope they stop by and visit the new water guzzeler. I will find out when I get back and see the pictures on the game cam set up on it.


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