Dec 5, 2018

signs, fences and purple painted rocks

The desert dealt out a couple of kicks to the gut this trip.
Found the outhouse 20 feet from where it belonged and smashed to pieces.
Guess the storms that passed last month got hold of it.
The population boom of town has spread into the Solitario.
Everyone wants to put up road signs, others paint rocks purple declaring the desert there own.
Others tell hunters to keep out.

The power system did not want to start up. This fixed itself the day I had to leave.

I was told I was trespassing while out hiking in the open desert- no structures around.
The folks turned out to be nice but the sunrise hike up the mountain was cut short.

Had some great bug and raptor sightings. A great horned owl and large red tail hawk perched in the cactus'. The walking sticks seemed to be everywhere. The crows came by and visited every day. There was even a "rockhopper".

Came across this amazing group of fishhook cactus.

Here is a look at some of the cactus gardens that have been growing for last five years or so.

Lastly, had a great visit to shaman Pablo

Some shots of the art around the fort.

Ok so the outhouse

So it was a bucket for the week. Started the new outhouse. It will be 4x4 wire filled with rocks, shaped in a spiral

Collect rocks on the trailer with new tires, but somehow seemed too lose many on the way. Par for the trip.